Using Temporary Tables within Serverless SQL Pools

Temporary (temp) tables have been a feature of Microsoft SQL Server (and other database systems) for many years. Temp tables are supported within Azure Synapse Analytics in both Dedicated SQL Pools and Serverless SQL Pools. However, the Serverless SQL Pools “Polaris” engine is a newly built engine, so can we expect the same support for temp tables as seen in SQL Server, Azure SQL Database, and Synapse Dedicated SQL Pools? The short answer is no, there are caveats to using temp tables within Serverless SQL Pools.

In this blog we’ll walk through supported and unsupported scenarios and look at the limitations of temp tables within Serverless SQL Pools.

Supported Features & Scenarios

Here is a summary table of scenarios for inserting, joining, and filtering using temp tables. We’ll be exploring the main insert and join scenarios in this blog post.

Create a local temp tableYes
Create a global temp tableNo
INSERT INTO #temptable VALUES(‘<value>’),(‘value’)Yes
INSERT INTO #temptable SELECT FROM External table/View/OPENROWSETNo
INSERT INTO #temptable SELECT FROM Spark External TableNo
INSERT INTO #temptable EXEC storedprocedure (External Table/View/OPENROWSET)Yes
INSERT INTO #temptable using a WITH…then INSERTNo
JOIN to External tables/Views/OPENROWSET queriesNo
JOIN to other temp tablesYes
Maximum Size Per Temp Table100MB
Maximum Number of Temp Tables100

Creating Temp Tables

When creating a temp table, only local temp tables are supported and run within the same query execution context. You are unable to create a temp table that can then be referenced by another process outside the current execution context.

    RowID INT,
    TextComment VARCHAR(255),
    CreatedDateTime DATETIME    

Inserting Data into Temp Tables

After we have created a temp table, what are the options available to insert data into the temp table? Not all expected methods are supported.

Inserting Values

We can use a simple multi-value insert statement to insert values into a temp table.

--create temp table
CREATE TABLE #loopdates
    rownum INT,
    textvalue VARCHAR(10)
--insert values
INSERT INTO #loopdates(
VALUES  (1,'one'),

Inserting using Select from an External Table, View, or OPENROWSET query

In this scenario we are not able to insert the results of a SELECT statement from either an External Table, a View, or an OPENROWSET query. We receive the following error is we attempt this.

--create temp table
CREATE TABLE #factsalesaggregate
    OrderDateKey INT,
    TotalQuantity BIGINT
--insert from View with OPENROWSET query to Azure Data Lake
--insert from View with OPENROWSET query to Azure Data Lake
INSERT INTO #factsalesaggregate
SELECT fct.OrderDateKey,
    BULK 'conformednew/facts/factsales/*/*/*/*.parquet',
    DATA_SOURCE = 'ExternalDataSourceDataLake',
    FORMAT = 'Parquet'
) AS fct
GROUP BY fct.OrderDateKey;


Inserting using the results of an Exec Proc Statement

However, we are able to use the results of an EXEC Stored Procedure statement to insert into a temp table. We could therefore wrap the SELECT statement in a stored procedure and insert into a temp table. For code brevity, a View has been created for selecting Sales data rather than repeating the OPENROWSET syntax for each select.

--create wrapper procedure
    --aggregate query to select from OPENROWSET View from Azure Data Lake
    SELECT OrderDateKey,
            SUM(Quantity) AS TotalQuantity
    FROM LDW.vwFactSales
    GROUP BY OrderDateKey
--create tamp table
CREATE TABLE #factsalesaggregate
    OrderDateKey INT,
    TotalQuantity BIGINT
--insert results of the procedure
INSERT INTO #factsalesaggregate EXEC LDW.uspGetFactSales
--show data
SELECT * FROM #factsalesaggregate;

This time our efforts are successful:

We can therefore see that although we cannot insert from a select statement directly, we are able to wrap the select within a stored procedure and insert data into a temp table.

Joining Temp Tables

Once we have data within a temp table, what can we do with it? Can we join to other Serverless SQL Pools objects? The following section shows that we are limited in scope to joining temp tables.

Joining Temp Tables with Serverless SQL Objects

When attempting to join a temp table with other Serverless SQL Pools objects such as external tables and views we are unable to do so. This also includes external tables created in Spark and accessible through Serverless SQL Pools.

--create temp table
CREATE TABLE #reportdatekeys
    reportdatekey INT
--insert values
INSERT INTO #reportdatekeys
VALUES  ('20130401'),
--join to select
SELECT fct.OrderDateKey,
        SUM(fct.Quantity) AS TotalQuantity
FROM LDW.vwFactSales fct
INNER JOIN #reportdatekeys rdk ON rdk.reportdatekey = fct.OrderDateKey
GROUP BY fct.OrderDateKey;


Joining Temp Tables Together

However, we are able to join a temp table to another temp table. Let’s use the wrapper SELECT stored procedure from earlier and join to another temp table.

--create tamp table
CREATE TABLE #factsalesaggregate
    OrderDateKey INT,
    TotalQuantity BIGINT
--insert results of the procedure
INSERT INTO #factsalesaggregate EXEC LDW.uspGetFactSales
--create temp table for report dates
CREATE TABLE #reportdatekeys
    reportdatekey INT
--insert values
INSERT INTO #reportdatekeys
VALUES  ('20130401'),
--restrict data by joining
SELECT fct.OrderDateKey,
FROM #factsalesaggregate fct
INNER JOIN #reportdatekeys rdk ON rdk.reportdatekey = fct.OrderDateKey;

Size Limitations

According to the official Microsoft documentation there can be a total of 100 temp tables created, with their total size being 100MB. However, during testing this did not seem to be the case with a much larger dataset being inserted successfully into a temp table. A question has been raised with Microsoft to clarify the 100MB limit, you can track the message here.

Looping Process Scenario

We could use temp tables to control a looping process, this could be useful for executing loading logic from a source to a destination controlled by values from a temp table.

--create temp table
CREATE TABLE #loopdates
    rownum INT,
    textvalue VARCHAR(10)
--insert values
INSERT INTO #loopdates2
VALUES  (1,'one'),
--loop through temp table
DECLARE @startloop INT = 1,
        @endloop INT
SELECT @endloop = MAX(rownum) FROM #loopdates
WHILE @startloop <= @endloop
    SELECT * FROM #loopdates WHERE rownum = @startloop
    SET @startloop = @startloop +1


Although temp tables are supported within Synapse Analytics Serverless SQL Pools their usage is limited and there are caveats around being able to insert data and also join temp tables. Perhaps temp tables may be useful for situations where a small dataset needs holding to provide looping logic, or to hold a small dataset for reporting purposes.


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